Saturday, 27 August 2011

Where 2 Oceans Meet Part 2

I feel I need to set the record straight. Marketing and the tourism industry in general has made this whole southern tip 2 oceans thing VERY difficult for people who has not grown up in the area.

The most southern tip of Africa is Cape Agulhas
The most south westerly point in Africa is Cape Point
The Atlantic and indean oceans meet somewhere in between Cape Agulhas and Cape Point. The exact spot varies depending on the currents and seasons.

I hope this has made things a little clearer for those who might have found the whole business a little confusing. :)

One of my favourite spots is the lighthouse. I love climbing to the top the view is to die for and so is the dinner plate sized scones with home made strawberry jam, cheese and creame in the restaurant down stairs. :)

You could say that I grew up in the area. My family has been holidaying in the area ever since I can remember. Every December we would pack the caravan and head towards Struisbaai! As a young child I played in the waves and sat on my dad's shoulders as he carried me into deeper waters. My big brother and I would pop from rock to rock with buckets and fishing lines. Catching small 'klipvisse' and poking our fingers into sea anemenies. This is where I learned to love the water!
There is some debate as to the origin of the name "Struisbaai". Some authorities believe that it means "straw bay", referring to the thatch roofs of the fishermen’s cottages here. Others claim the name is derived from the Dutch "struisvogel"/ Afrikaans "volstruis" - which translates as ostrich in English. According to legend however, Struisbaai is named for the size of its beach - an old Dutch word for "huge" which would not be surprising since Struisbaai does sport the longest natural beach in the Southern Hemisphere which stretches for a total of 14 kilometers.

Below is Struisbaai's legendary beach. There are no known super strong currents here and although the water is home to many a great white shark I am not aware of a single shark attack in the area.

Sadly the beach has been getting narrower over the last couple of years. This is aparently due to the large harbour wall changing the direction of the current. Over the last couple of years the beach left of the harbour has been gradually disappearing and the rocky coastline to the right of the harbour has been replaced by sandy beach. The human impact on nature is truely profound.

Struisbaai harbour is home to 3 uge black sting rayes weighting in at well over 120kg each. When the largest of the 3 was caught by the Two Oceans accquarium for their Predator Exibit the people of the small fishing village was so enraged that they immediatelly sprang to action to get their rayes back. Sure enough after a visit from the Marine and Coastal Management the Two Oceans Acquarium was forced to return the Ray to its natural habitat. 

The Sting Rayes are famous and the largest of the 3 named Parrie even has his own facebook page. :)!/group.php?gid=31149969305&v=info

Here are some more pictures of Struisbaai harbour.

And finally, lets not forget that small town with the 2 names. Waenhuiskrans/Arniston. A beautifull little coastal town with an amazing hotel and a famous cave...

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